Friday, December 14, 2001

Today was decent.. involved. a good day. a meaningful day. I said goodbye to those aforementioned co-workers, and we all went out for lunch and drinks. Drinks evolved into drunken discussions, which are sometimes (seldom, I've found, but were today) the best kind of discussions, because they are open and uninhibited.

I also found out I've got a raise. This from our new boss... who did not attend the goodbye party. This spoke much about her, I think, and, at least for now, I've a newfound respect. Perhaps, she was not invited.

This was mentioned on blogger (itself!) but I'll reproduce the link because I found it fascinating. Keep Trying is a blog seemingly devoted to blogging about blogging. Meta blogging? It's a popular discussion topic. Someone mentioned it's really something only newbie bloggers do, but I'm not so sure. If you don't keep examining yourself, how do you know who you are? Do those who no longer blog about blogging no longer realize they are blogging? Is it merely something they "do" as habbit, as ritual, as instinct? (Yes, instinct can be learned.)

I suddenly had an epiphany... I can host my comments script on, and still keep my blog on blogspot. I don't know why this didn't occur to me before. I'm probably just an idiot.

We'll see if I can get that done tonight, but I'm still drunk. Thousands of open source programmers can't be wrong though, and I'll probably do a better job while I'm drunk.

Thursday, December 13, 2001

I've decided to make a commitment to longer and more meaningful posts. Less crap, less random jibberish, innane observation, etc... You may or may not have noticed, but unfortunately, so far at least, this has meant fewer posts as well.

At the moment, I'm sitting at work, watching two of my former co-workers pack up and leave the building. They were both above me, the president and creative director (of the company before the merger), and now they're leaving because that's what everyone here would do, given a choice. I really have no choice. My choice is this: how much money should I borrow to buy a car so I can get to work every day after it moves? I'm thinking two or three grand at most. I have a list of things I'd like in a car, but unfortunately, I can't really afford to adhere to it. In fact, it yet remains to be seen whether I'll be able to afford anything.

You might have thought, erroniously, that my lack of regular updates would mean I've been busy trying to move the blog somewhere else. No. I have made no progress. My life is lack of progress, sharply contrasted by my existence in video games, which is only measured by progress. Perhaps this lack of ready objectives in reality is what causes me to believe that I am more likely failing at it.

I like that: failing reality.

Reality Upstarts, a sasquach band of trumpeting rhino-riders. No random here!

Tuesday, December 11, 2001

There is some kind of link between creativity and sleep deprivation. This much seems painfully obvious. Synapses jump faster, or more eratically, or something. At the same time, other cognitive functions suffer... I never quite know whether I'm doing a good job, or whether it merely seems like I am. Is this RuPaul weblog really as interesting as I think it is? Or am I just terribly woefully tired?

Naked is fun. Unfortunately, when you're in a relationship, I think there is this tendency for nakedness to get routine and, well, not boring, but just not as interesting anymore either. I wonder why this is. My room mate and I were speculating about the instinct for after-sex-talk. If all we (as males of the species) were interested in was progenation, then we'd probably never stick around for the after-sex-talk. Slam-bam-thank-you-mam... yet, it had to have been somehow advantageous for the man to get to know the woman, find out everything about her... from her eating habbits to her favorite hangouts just about any other nearly-useless detail we can wring from her.

I think that instinct may be a bit too strong in me. I've always found the first few weeks of the relationship to be the most intense.

Don't get me wrong, I think there's plenty to be said about stability and commitment. I just want very little to do with them.