Friday, August 30, 2002

I've been surfing for B&W sites over at the ageless project most of the morning. The thumbnails make picking possible black and white sites out easier. Hey, I've got to have a hobby, right?

Speaking of hobbies, anybody have the time?

Thursday, August 29, 2002

Why do I always hear about this kind of stuff from foreign news sources? Hmmmm?
I want to go to the new sex museum in new york!! Here it is online:

Quite sexy.

I've started collecting sex-blog links. I don't post enough about sex here... I tend to try and keep this at least R rated, I'm not sure why, but I suppose it's the thought of all the coworkers and possible relatives reading this in the future. I will admit that I have another blog, absolutely anonymous where I have been posting dreams and sexual fantasy/poetry.

It's weird stuff, some of it... so I'm not giving out the URL. I'd feel too weird, knowing many of you had read it, I think. Not here, online, where I can be bits and pixels--but in meatspace, when I see those of you I sometimes see.

I will share the links I find though, if you email me some you've found.

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

I know I've posted this link before, and probably with skepticism, but if it's real, it's over. And it's really, really sad. I wonder if it would also be the first blogger death.

It's certainly the first blog whose death has affected me.
I've got a song struck in my head, and I don't know what it's called, or who it's by. I hear it all the time on radio k. It's got this saulty female vocalist singing "It's all right... because you said it's all right."

Damn I'm a sucker for a good female vocal.
crazy. I'm updating right now from the bottom of mozilla. It's amazing, I can do things like drag links from my browser straight onto highlighted words in my blog entry. Mozilla truly is an amazing achievement. There are so many side projects and cool features to add, it boggles the mind, I think. I can even add a spell checker this way, which blogger doesn't have unless I pay for it.

I am still super busy at work, and I shouldn't be playing even this much... All week I've been brainstorming my ideal job, but I think I've realized it just now. If only I could get paid to blog. Or maybe work on mozilla. I don't know which would be cooler.

UPDATE: OK, this thing needs serious work, I guess. I had some funky things happening, and formatting was all weird. It may be that I can fix the formatting issue, but there is no post and/or publish confirmation, and that's a bit disconcerting. Plus, it adds doctype tags and head and body tags to EACH post. That seems unnecessary.

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

ahh, back to the routine.

a website here, a websearch there...

I want to make money online, I've decided. I don't know yet how I'm going to do this. I've had some ideas, but I never get around to implimenting them. I might start a business with my friend Jason. He wants to start a specialty sex shop. I'd put it online for him. Problem is, neither of us have enough startup cash.